Vector similarity

Use Redis as a vector database

The unstructured data problem

Today, about 80% of the data organizations generate is unstructured; data that either does not have a well-defined schema or cannot be restructured into a familiar columnar format. Typical examples of unstructured data include free-form text, images, videos, and sound clips. The amount of unstructured data is expected to grow in the coming decades.

Unstructured data is high-dimensional and noisy, making it more challenging to analyze and interpret using traditional methods. But it is also packed with information and meaning.

Traditionally, unstructured data is processed to extract specific features, effectively turning it into structured data. Once in the realm of structured data, you can search the data with SQL queries (if stored in a relational database) or with a text search engine.

The approach of transforming unstructured data into structured data has a few issues. First, engineering features out of unstructured data can be computationally expensive and error-prone, significantly delaying when you can effectively use the data. Second, some fidelity and information may be lost in the extraction/transformation process, because unique, latent features can't be easily categorized or quantified.

Enter vector databases

An approach to dealing with unstructured data is to vectorize the data. Vectorizing means to somehow convert something like a text passage, an image, a video, or a song into a flat sequence of numbers representing a particular piece of data. These vectors are representations of the data in N-dimensional space. Vectorizing provides the ability to use linear algebra techniques to compare, group, and operate on our data. This is the foundation of a vector database; the ability to store and operate on vectors. This approach is not new and has been around for a long time. The difference today is how the techniques for generating the vectors have advanced.

Using machine learning embeddings as vectors

Traditional methods for converting unstructured textual data into vector form include Bag-of-Words (BoW) and Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). For categorical data, one-hot encoding is a commonly used approach. Hashing and feature extraction techniques, such as edge detection, texture analysis, or color histograms, have been employed for high-dimensionality data like images.

While powerful in their own right, these approaches reveal limitations when confronted with high-dimensional and intricate data forms like long text passages, images, and audio. Consider, for example, how a text passage could be restructured through sentence rearrangement, synonym usage, or alterations in narrative style. Such simple modifications could effectively sidestep techniques like Bag-of-Words, preventing systems using the generated encodings from identifying text passages with similar meanings.

This is where advancements in machine learning, particularly deep learning, make their mark. Machine learning models have facilitated the rise of embeddings as a widely embraced method for generating dense, low-dimensional vector representations. Given a suitable model, the generated embeddings can encapsulate complex patterns and semantic meanings inherent in data, thus overcoming the limitations of their traditional counterparts.

Generate embeddings for the bikes dataset

To investigate vector similarity, you'll use a subset of the bikes dataset, a relatively simple synthetic dataset. The dataset has 11 bicycle records in a JSON file named bikes.json and includes the fields model, brand, price, type, specs, and description. The description field is particularly interesting for our purposes since it consists of a free-form textual description of a bicycle.

Before getting started with the code examples

Code examples are currently provided for Redis CLI and Python. For Python, you will need to create a virtual environment and install the following Python packages:

  1. redis
  2. pandas
  3. sentence-transformers
  4. (optional) tabulate; this package is used by Pandas to convert dataframe tables to Markdown

You'll also need the following imports:

Loading json bikes dataset

Let's load the bikes dataset as a JSON array using the following Python 3 code:

Inspect the bikes JSON

Let's inspect the content of the JSON array in table form:

model brand price type specs description
Jigger Velorim 270 Kids bikes {'material': 'aluminium', 'weight': '10'} Small and powerful, the Jigger is the best rid...
Hillcraft Bicyk 1200 Kids Mountain Bikes {'material': 'carbon', 'weight': '11'} Kids want to ride with as little weight as pos...
Chook air 5 Nord 815 Kids Mountain Bikes {'material': 'alloy', 'weight': '9.1'} The Chook Air 5 gives kids aged six years and...

Let's take a look at the structure of one of our bike JSON documents:

  "model": "Jigger",
  "brand": "Velorim",
  "price": 270,
  "type": "Kids bikes",
  "specs": {
    "material": "aluminium",
    "weight": "10"
  "description": "Small and powerful, the Jigger is the best ride for the smallest of tikes! ...

Generating text embeddings using SentenceTransformers

You will use the SentenceTransformers framework to generate embeddings for the bikes descriptions. Sentence-BERT (SBERT) is a BERT model modification that produces consistent and contextually rich sentence embeddings. SBERT improves tasks like semantic search and text grouping by allowing for efficient and meaningful comparison of sentence-level semantic similarity.

Selecting a suitable pre-trained model

You must pick a suitable model based on the task at hand when generating embeddings. In this case, you want to query for bicycles using short sentences against the longer bicycle descriptions. This is referred to as asymmetric semantic search, often employed in cases where the search query and the documents being searched are of a different nature or structure. Suitable models for asymmetric semantic search include pre-trained MS MARCO models. MS MARCO models are optimized for understanding real-world queries and retrieving relevant responses. They are widely used in search engines, chatbots, and other AI applications. At the time this tutorial was written, the highest performing MS MARCO model tuned for cosine-similarity available in the SentenceTranformers package is msmarco-distilbert-base-v4.

Let's load the model using the SentenceTransformer function:

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

embedder = SentenceTransformer('msmarco-distilbert-base-v4')

Let's grab the description from the first bike in the JSON array:

from textwrap import TextWrapper

sample_description = bikes[0]['description']
wrapped_sample_description = TextWrapper(width=120).wrap(sample_description)
['Small and powerful, the Jigger is the best ride for the smallest of tikes! This is the tiniest kids’ pedal bike on the',
 'market available without a coaster brake, the Jigger is the vehicle of choice for the rare tenacious little rider raring',
 'to go. We say rare because this smokin’ little bike is not ideal for a nervous first-time rider, but it’s a true giddy',

To generate the vector embeddings, use the encode function:

embedding = embedder.encode(sample_description)

Let's take a peek at the first 5 elements of the generated vector:

[0.20076484978199005, -0.1300073117017746, 0.3081613779067993, 0.2062796652317047, -0.3692358434200287]

Let's look at the length of the vector embeddings generated by the model.


The chosen model generates vector embeddings of length 768 regardless of the length of the input text.

Storing our bikes in Redis

Redis Stack setup

There are many ways to install and run Redis. See Install Redis Stack for more information.

Now that you know how to vectorize the bikes descriptions, it's time to start working with Redis.

Redis Python client

To interact with Redis, install the redis-py client library, which encapsulates the commands to work with OSS Redis as well as Redis Stack. For an overview of how to use redis-py, see the Redis Python Guide.

Create a redis-py client and test the server

Instantiate the Redis client, connecting to the localhost on Redis' default port 6379. By default, Redis returns binary responses; to decode them, you'll pass the decode_responses parameter set to True:

Let's use Redis' PING command to check that Redis is up and running:

Storing the bikes as JSON documents in Redis

Redis Stack includes a JSON data type. Like any other Redis data type, the JSON datatype allows you to use Redis commands to save, update, and retrieve JSON values. The bikes data is already loaded in memory as the bikes JSON array. You will iterate over bikes, generate a suitable Redis key and store them in Redis using the JSON.SET command. You'll do this using a pipeline to minimize the round-trip times:

Let's retrieve a specific value from one of the JSON bikes in Redis using a JSONPath expression:

Vectorize all of the bike descriptions

To vectorize all the descriptions in the database, first collect all the Redis keys for the bikes.

Next, use the keys as a parameter to the JSON.MGET command, along with the JSONPath expression $.description to collect the descriptions in a list. Then, pass the list to the encode method to get a list of vectorized embeddings:

Now you can add the vectorized descriptions to the JSON documents in Redis using the JSON.SET command to insert a new field in each of the documents under the JSONPath $.description_embeddings. Once again, you'll do this using a pipeline:

Inspect one of the vectorized bike documents using the JSON.GET command:

When storing a vector embedding as part of a JSON datatype, the embedding is stored as a JSON array, in our case, under the field description_embeddings as shown. Note: in the example above, the array was shortened considerably for the sake of readability.

Making the bikes collection searchable

Redis Stack provides a powerful search engine that introduces commands to create and maintain search indexes for both collections of HASHES and JSON documents.

To create a search index for the bikes collection, use the FT.CREATE command:

More detail on each step:

  1. Specify the name of the index; idx:bikes indexing keys of type JSON.
  2. The keys being indexed are found using the bikes: key prefix.
  3. The SCHEMA keyword marks the beginning of the schema field definitions.
  4. Declares that field in the JSON document at the JSONPath $.model will be indexed as a TEXT field, allowing full-text search queries (disabling stemming).
  5. The $.brand field will also be treated as a TEXT schema field.
  6. The $.price field will be indexed as a NUMERIC allowing numeric range queries.
  7. The $.type field will be indexed as a TAG field. Tag fields allow exact-match queries, and are suitable for categorical values.
  8. The $.description field will also be indexed as a TEXT field
  9. Finally, the vector embeddings in $.description_embeddings are indexed as a VECTOR field and assigned to the alias vector.

Here's a break down of the VECTOR schema field definition to better understand the inner workings of vector similarity in Redis:

  • FLAT: Specifies the indexing method, which can be FLAT or HNSW. FLAT (brute-force indexing) provides exact results but at a higher computational cost, while HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World) is a more efficient method that provides approximate results with lower computational overhead.
  • TYPE: Set to FLOAT32. Current supported types are FLOAT32 and FLOAT64.
  • DIM: The length or dimension of the embeddings, which you determined previously to be 768.
    • L2 stands for Euclidean distance, a straight-line distance between the vectors. Preferred when the absolute differences, including magnitude, matter most.
    • IP stands for inner product; IP measures the projection of one vector onto another. It emphasizes the angle between vectors rather than their absolute positions in the vector space.
    • COSINE stands for cosine similarity; a normalized form of inner product. This metric measures only the angle between two vectors, making it magnitude-independent.
    • For our querying purposes, the direction of the vectors carry more meaning (indicating semantic similarity), and the magnitude is largely influenced by the length of the documents, therefore COSINE similarity is chosen. Also, our chosen embedding model is fine-tuned for COSINE similarity.

Check the state of the index

After the FT.CREATE command creates the index, the indexing process is automatically started in the background. In a short amount of time, all eleven JSON documents should be indexed and ready to be searched. To validate that, use the FT.INFO command to check some information and statistics of the index. Of particular interest are the number of documents successfully indexed and the number of failures:

Structured data searches with Redis

The index idx:bikes_vss indexes the structured fields of our JSON documents model, brand, price, and type. It also indexes the unstructured free-form text description and the generated embeddings in description_embeddings. Before diving deeper into Vector Similarity Search (VSS), you need to understand the basics of querying a Redis index. The Redis command of interest is FT.SEARCH. Like a SQL select statement, an FT.SEARCH statement can be as simple or as complex as needed.

Here are a few simple queries that give enough context to complete the VSS examples. For example, to retrieve all bikes where the brand is Peaknetic, use the following command:

This command will return all matching documents. With the inclusion of the vector embeddings, that's a little too verbose. If you only wanted to return specific fields from the JSON documents, for example, the document id, the brand, model and price, you could use:

In this query, you are searching against a schema field of type TEXT.

If you wanted a list of bikes under $1000, you can add a numeric range clause to the query since the price field is indexed as NUMERIC:

Semantic searching with VSS

Now that the bikes collection is stored and properly indexed in Redis, you can query it using short query prompts. Arrange your queries in a list so you can execute them in bulk:

You need to encode the query prompts to query the database using VSS. Just like you did with the descriptions of the bikes, you'll use the SentenceTransformers model to encode the queries:

Constructing a pure K-nearest neighbors (KNN) VSS query

Start with a KNN query. KNN is a foundational algorithm used in VSS, where the goal is to find the most similar items to a given query item. Using the chosen distance metric, the KNN algorithm calculates the distance between the query vector and each vector in the database. It then returns the K items with the smallest distances to the query vector. These are the most similar items.

The syntax for vector similarity KNN queries is (*)=>[<vector_similarity_query>] where the (*) (the * meaning all) is the filter query for the search engine. That way, one can reduce the search space by filtering the collection on which the KNN algorithm operates.

  • The $query_vector represents the query parameter you'll use to pass the vectorized query prompt.
  • The results will be filtered by vector_score, which is a field derived from the name of the field indexed as a vector by appending _score to it, in our case, vector (the alias for $.description_embeddings).
  • Our query will return the vector_score, the ids of the matched documents, and the $.brand, $.model, and $.description.
  • Finally, to utilize a vector similarity query with the FT.SEARCH command, you must specify DIALECT 2 or greater.
query = (
    Query('(*)=>[KNN 3 @vector $query_vector AS vector_score]')
     .return_fields('vector_score', 'id', 'brand', 'model', 'description')

Pass the vectorized query as $query_vector to the search function to execute the query. The following code shows an example of creating a Python NumPy array from a vectorized query prompt (encoded_query) as a single precision floating point array and converting it into a compact, byte-level representation that can be passed as a Redis parameter:

client.ft(INDEX_NAME).search(query, { 'query_vector': np.array(encoded_query, dtype=np.float32).tobytes() }).docs

With the template for the query in place, use Python to execute all query prompts in a loop, passing the vectorized query prompts. Notice that for each result, the script calculates the vector_score as 1 - doc.vector_score. Because cosine "distance" is used as the metric, the items with the smallest "distance" are closer and therefore more similar to the query.

Then loop over the matched documents and create a list of results that can be converted into a Pandas table to visualize the results:

The query results show the individual queries' top 3 matches (our K parameter) along with the bike's id, brand, and model for each query. For example, for the query "Best Mountain bikes for kids", the highest similarity score (0.54) and therefore the closest match was the 'Nord' brand 'Chook air 5' bike model, described as:

"The Chook Air 5 gives kids aged six years and older a durable and uberlight mountain bike for their first experience on tracks and easy cruising through forests and fields. The lower top tube makes it easy to mount and dismount in any situation, giving your kids greater safety on the trails. The Chook Air 5 is the perfect intro to mountain biking."

From the description, this bike is an excellent match for younger children, and the MS MARCO model-generated embeddings seem to have captured the semantics of the description accurately.

query score id brand model description
Best Mountain bikes for kids 0.54 bikes:003 Nord Chook air 5 The Chook Air 5 gives kids aged six years and older a durable and uberlight mountain bike for their first experience on tracks and easy cruising through forests and fields. The lower top tube makes it easy to mount and dismount in any situation, giving your kids greater safety on the trails. The Chook Air 5 is the perfect intro to mountain biking.
0.51 bikes:010 nHill Summit This budget mountain bike from nHill performs well both on bike paths and on the trail. The fork with 100mm of travel absorbs rough terrain. Fat Kenda Booster tires give you grip in corners and on wet trails. The Shimano Tourney drivetrain offered enough gears for finding a comfortable pace to ride uphill, and the Tektro hydraulic disc brakes break smoothly. Whether you want an affordable bike that you can take to work, but also take trail riding on the weekends or you’re just after a stable,...
0.46 bikes:001 Velorim Jigger Small and powerful, the Jigger is the best ride for the smallest of tikes! This is the tiniest kids’ pedal bike on the market available without a coaster brake, the Jigger is the vehicle of choice for the rare tenacious little rider raring to go. We say rare because this smokin’ little bike is not ideal for a nervous first-time rider, but it’s a true giddy up for a true speedster. The Jigger is a 12 inch lightweight kids bicycle and it will meet your little one’s need for speed. It’s a single...

Using the dimensionality reduction technique t-SNE you can create a 3-d representation of our description embeddings, as well as the query embeddings which shows how well the MS MARCO sentence embeddings clustered the bicycle descriptions and you can visually judge a query's distance to a specific bike:

t-SNE 3-D Embeddings Visualization

Hybrid queries

Pure KNN queries, as described in the previous section, evaluate a query against the whole space of vectors in a data collection. The larger the collection, the more computationally expensive the KNN search will be. But in the real world, unstructured data does not live in isolation, and users expecting rich search experiences need to be able to search via a combination of structured and unstructured data.

For example, users might arrive at your search interface with a brand preference in mind for the bikes dataset. Redis VSS queries can use this information to pre-filter the search space using a primary filter query. In the following query definition, brand is pre-filtered to consider only Peaknetic brand bikes. In previous examples, the primary filter query was (*), in other words, everything. But now you can narrow the search space using (@brand:Peaknetic) before the KNN query.

Filtering by the Peaknetic brand, for which there are 2 bikes in the collection, you can see the results returned for each of the query prompts. The query with the highest returned similarity score is "Comfortable commuter bike", followed by "Road bike for beginners". Using filtering by brand, the users' preferences are fulfilled and the KNN search space is reduced by 80%.

query score id brand model description
Best Mountain bikes for kids 0.30 bikes:008 Peaknetic Soothe Electric bike The Soothe is an everyday electric bike, from the makers of Exercycle bikes, that conveys style while you get around the city. The Soothe lives up to its name by keeping your posture upright and relaxed for the ride ahead, keeping those aches and pains from riding at bay. It includes a low-step frame , our memory foam seat, bump-resistant shocks and conveniently placed thumb throttle.
0.23 bikes:009 Peaknetic Secto If you struggle with stiff fingers or a kinked neck or back after a few minutes on the road, this lightweight, aluminum bike alleviates those issues and allows you to enjoy the ride. From the ergonomic grips to the lumbar-supporting seat position, the Roll Low-Entry offers incredible comfort. The rear-inclined seat tube facilitates stability by allowing you to put a foot on the ground to balance at a stop, and the low step-over frame makes it accessible for all ability and mobility levels. Th...
Bike for small kids 0.37 bikes:008 Peaknetic Soothe Electric bike The Soothe is an everyday electric bike, from the makers of Exercycle bikes, that conveys style while you get around the city. The Soothe lives up to its name by keeping your posture upright and relaxed for the ride ahead, keeping those aches and pains from riding at bay. It includes a low-step frame , our memory foam seat, bump-resistant shocks and conveniently placed thumb throttle.

Creating a VSS range query

Range queries in VSS involve retrieving items within a specific distance from a query vector. In this case, "distance" is the measure of similarity that is used to build search indexes; the smaller the distance, the more similar the items.

If you want to find the bikes whose descriptions are within a certain distance from a query vector, you can use a range query. For example, the query command to return the top 4 documents within a 0.55 radius of a vectorized query would be as follows:


  1. The FT.SEARCH command is used with idx:bikes_vss.
  2. This result is filtered by the vector using the VECTOR_RANGE operator, passing the $range parameter, yielding the vector distance between the vector field and the query result in a field named vector_score.
  3. Sort the results by the yielded vector_score.
  4. Limit the results to at most 4.
  5. Once again, set the RediSearch dialect to 2 to enable VSS functionality.
  6. Finally, set the parameter values, range ($range) to 0.55 and the query_vector ($query_vector) to the encoded vectorized query.

Here, the first query prompt in our collection of queries is being used, "Bike for small kids", using the VSS range query (range_query).

query score id brand model description
Bike for small kids 0.52 bikes:001 Velorim Jigger Small and powerful, the Jigger is the best ride for the smallest of tikes! This is the tiniest kids’ pedal bike on the market available without a coaster brake, the Jigger is the vehicle of choice for the rare tenacious little rider raring to go. We say rare because this smokin’ little bike is not ideal for a nervous first-time rider, but it’s a true giddy up for a true speedster. The Jigger is a 12 inch lightweight kids bicycle and it will meet your little one’s need for speed. It’s a single...
0.45 bikes:007 ScramBikes WattBike The WattBike is the best e-bike for people who still feel young at heart. It has a Bafang 500 watt geared hub motor that can reach 20 miles per hour on both steep inclines and city streets. The lithium-ion battery, which gets nearly 40 miles per charge, has a lightweight form factor, making it easier for seniors to use. It comes fully assembled (no convoluted instructions!) and includes a sturdy helmet at no cost. The Plush saddle softens over time with use. The included Seatpost, however, i...

The query returns two bikes in the specified range of our vectorized query, both with scores at or below 0.55.

Wrapping Up

This guide showed how Redis, using the Redis Stack distribution, provides powerful search capabilities over structured and unstructured data. Redis support for vector data can enrich and enhance the user's search experience. Although the focus was on generating embeddings for unstructured data, the vector similarity approach can also be used equally well with structure data, as long as a suitable vector generation technique is used.

The references below can help you learn more about Redis search capabilities:

The Jupyter notebook on which this documentation is based is available here:

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